Website Updates

February 18, 2019 (PENDING)

    • Social share icons fixed
    • SEO integration for Blog, read, and testimonies
    • New watch page signup redesign
    • New testimonies redesign

October 28, 2019

    • Fixed Center navigation
    • Fixed watch page (submitted by Pam Nelson)
    • Fixed GWCode error on some pages
    • Fixed footer to render correctly

October 26, 2019

    • Brand new homepage
    • Brand new navigation
    • New channel for homepages

August 22, 2019

    • Added additional links
    • Fixed problems with RSS feed

March 19, 2019

    • Added a new "Hidden" category for Video entries -- If added to this category videos will be hidden from public in "recent" on watch page. Example, use case... Refresh 2019 talks to be shared with attendees.

Feb 26, 2019

    • Blog speed improvements
      • was 7.8 seconds... now 1.3 seconds
    • Added caching for list + post detail templates
    • Adding support for Blog writers to add images when writing
    • Writers can preview image
    • Improving speed of Stats page
    • Update homepage to show latest post + Image

Feb 11, 2019

    • Blog Redesign
      • Most recent post featured at the top
      • Added Image support
      • Added fallback image if no image added
      • New sign up for blog on list page
    • Added Blog Post Featured
      • Feature any post to show up
    • Added Featured posts to post detail page
    • Added Featured posts to blog list page

Dec 21, 2018

    • Minor Edits to Northlands Tablets interface from Elizabeth
      • changed images
      • Added subtitles
      • Fixed formatting of form success message

Dec 15, 2018

    • Design updates to Northlands Tablet interface
      • New ministry page
      • New design for "connect" page
      • Add links to community groups / grace team pages

Dec 9, 2018

    • Fixed "This offer will expire" in live stream. If a user tuned in while the countdown was going and waited... at the end it would show a message saying this offer will expire from a template that we used. It now says "Live NOW!"
    • Synced Testimony changes from nov 11, 2018

Sept 6, 2018

    • Fixed Roku Channel issues. Needed images in exact size added code to resize images
    • Added Author Bio to read page

August 12, 2018

    • Added signup email form to tablet connect screen

March 7, 2018

    • Added Pagination to Watch page and Read page, so you can page between batches of sermons / blogs. Major speed improvement and you can page through and see every sermon since 2014.
    • Moved Share buttons for sermon to bottom to get video further to the top for mobile users
    • Made video full width for mobile users -- using that extra real estate
    • Changed Active Campaign popup to only show once... Noticed it was annoying most users watching FullStory sessions
    • Lots of other speed improvements to make website faster!
    • Renamed Blog / Testimonies in sub-navigation... blog was still called devotionals from previous life

March 6, 2018

    • Created new Forgot PW pages to email link to reset PW (EC Request)
    • Fixed homepage for admins... when you were signed in as an admin, homepage didn't work
    • Fixed dates on Blog posts / footer to be current year... was 2016
    • Installed FullStory integration for us to watch users and see
    • Fixed AddThis integration so users can share blog posts or share sermons again
    • Added recent sermons to sermon page
    • Hid Commenting on sermons page... wasn't being used
    • Added "Downloads" text to only show if there were downloads... was confusing some users
    • Added "onClick" events for Sermon boxes to let visitors tap anywhere near the linked text. Noticed some users were tapping next to the title or description and weren't being taken to sermon, now you can tap anywhere near the text and it will still work... it's the little things that make your experience better ;-)

Feb 18, 2018

    • Added Roku Channel support for Sermons
    • Fixed podcast integration with iTunes

December 16, 2017

    • Added Testimonies to Tablets:
    • Removed Community group links
    • Installed for tracking analytics on tablets

December 11, 2017

    • Add option to add "Emergency Message" in Low Variables -> Homepage. This will hide "Northlands Church" on homepage and replace with whatever message is entered. Can be used for service cancellations
    • Added option to hide title on events page for graphic banners.

November 28, 2017

    • New search added for watch page
    • New search added for Blog page
    • Updated homepage to use CSS based video bg for mobile devices
    • Remove Master Slider plugin for homepage
    • Removed youth videos from "recent messages"

November 12, 2017

    • Force visitors to create an account or sign in to view sermons
    • New account signin page
    • New chat box for visitors to chat for live page
    • New /live page

October 1, 2017

    • Fixed redirect to only go to Sermons.... was most recent media before
    • Connected Sermon descriptions to Active Campaign comments, so Ruth / Team can post custom invite for sermons
    • Pointed to production folder... was pointing to beta for some strange reason

September 2, 2017

    • Fixed Blog RSS feed for Active Campaign -- wasn't valid
    • Fixed Sermon RSS feed for Active Campaign -- wasn't valid either
    • Limited RSS feed to only Sunday Morning Sermons
    • Landing page feed blocks
      • Fixed title styles
      • Limited to 3 posts
      • Restricted latest sermon to sermon channel only

August 20, 2017

    • Created a new RSS feed for sermons
    • Linked Sermon RSS feed to Active Campaign
    • Setup automated emails for Online Community list to get emails at 10:15 to join us online
    • Fixed online giving link / text to give for live services view
    • Imported Mailchimp Blog subscribers to Active Campaign Blog List
    • Removed Mailchimp blog signups from website
    • Created a new form for Active Campaign blog list added to blog posts pages
    • New Imports with Zapier to add Planning Center -> Active Campaign "Member List"
    • Northlands App -- Added Robin Johnson as admin in App
    • Website CMS - Added Jackson Webber as a super admin
    • Fixed Recent Messages to ONLY show recent messages... NorthlandsTV Moments were showing up for some reason

July 30, 2017

    • Hid oasis login from website navigation (more dropdown)
    • Fixed alignment of events on page
    • Fixed links for events on the home page, you can now click on the event name and calendar icon to go to the event page... before only the "view details" was linked

July 12, 2017

    • Added new Podcast redirect to BluBrry:
    • Submitted Podcast AGAIN to iTunes, Google Play, and BluBrry
    • Fixed Home page for admins when logged in -- home / watch pages were broken
    • Fix for series page - image wasn't centered
    • Fix for series page author / date were incorrect

April 14, 2017

    • New Tablet mode at
    • Events / groups and cardkit page integration for tablets

March 7, 2017

    • Added new TV view for new signage /data/tv
    • Admin can now sign into the CMS and add slides to be displayed on TV's throughout the building

February 6, 2017

    • Add permissions for Team Leader with editing / scheduling permissions to also be able to approve blog posts
    • Fixed random bracket in sermon descriptions

February 4, 2017

    • Removed Media list from Less and pointed to Cardkit
    • Updated Media formatting and functionality
    • Removed FlowType from site
    • Linked Events Tab on homepage

September 11, 2016 - Event Management

    • All new event management for app / website
    • New homepage video w/ events and latest sermon / blog
    • Data endpoint for app added

June 19, 2016 - Podcast Connection

    • Added podcasting for all MP3's generated from sermon series:
    • Setup FeedBurner:
    • Submitted to iTunes
    • Setup streaming feed from YouTube to be default